Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Write about a time when  you had difficulty understanding the opposite sex.What do you hate about the opposite sex? Why? What do they do that really bothers you?

In korea, we have two big holidays every year. we call it one is sur-nar, new year's day, and the other one is chu-suk that is Korean harvest celebration. We usually visit to grand prarent's house for 3days. In first day of holiday, we prepare many food for celebrating with family. Usually, All daughter-in-law prepare all food. In the other hand, Most of son don't work much. For example, when my family go to my grand parents house during holiday, whenever we've got there, my mom work something as soon as possible. But, my father only eats, sleeps, watch TV all day. I don't like that situation, but it is korean culture. Because we've had confucian ideas since long time ago. Most of people, they prefer to get boy baby. I can agree with my culture. I don't want to live with that idea. I think male and female are equal. So, we should change in our mind about guy is better that lady. But some of guy don't want to change that culture. I hate it. 
Most of girls can do it everything. But many guys don't trust us. Because of girls. These days I think many girls are better that many boys about study, arts and so on. I don't want to distinguish from people.